Episode 2

Self-blinded Microdosing with Dr. Balázs Szigeti


May 17th, 2021

54 mins 59 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

This episode features our interview with Dr. Balázs Szigeti. Dr. Szigeti is a neuroscientist from Imperial College London who recently published a study with his team investigating the placebo effect in psychedelic microdosing. In this interview, we talk about how this unique ‘self-blinding’ microdose study was designed, the benefits of using a citizen science approach in psychedelics research, and ultimately what his findings reveal about microdosing. We even discuss how the effects of microdosing might be similar to the positive experiences reported with homeopathic medicines.

This episode was produced and edited by Brendon Campbell. Original music and audio engineering by Andrew Illmann.

We’ll be back on June 21st with our first Canadian History of Psychedelics episode!

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